Monday, September 5, 2011


Man has this month, well I guess last month, been busy! August always seems like such a jam packed month. List/Photo rundown:
Annual Crab lunch- Always so much fun and the crabs were very yummy! This was in a past post, check out the pictures there.

Checked out a wedding venue-Also in a previous post.

We were pretty busy at the cave, on the 14th we celebrated our 133rd anniversary of discovery with Discovery Day. It was so much work but totally worth it!

Several months of cleaning candles and planning, a week of setting up and about 2+ hours of lighting that morning. Totally worth all of the work. It is so cool to see the cave by candle light.

After the anniversary I started working away on my classroom. It was fun to set everything up and for it to be MINE :-)

Just part of my classroom. I am sooooo lucky not only do I have a great school to work in but I have awesome technology. It has been challenging and rewarding to figure it all out but I am loving my SmartBoard and document camera as well as everything else.

Around the middle of August I helped Diane out at the fair. That was fun but I ate WAY too much junk food. Example: Dinner consisting of fried oreos and frenchfries....

I will not even go into how many orders that I ate throughout the week...

At some point I made pickles. This was my first go around with them and it wasn't terrible. I really don't like pickles so they are all for mom. She likes them thick cut so that's why they are so big. (yuck)

The week after the fair we started school. Boy is 5th grade different than 2nd; defiantly all in good ways though. I have a great group of students and they make me laugh all of the time. I cannot wait to watch them grow this year!

Ok, so a million other things happened in between these events but that is the quick and dirty version. Some people have been asking for a surgery update so here goes:

I CAN HEAR! It's pretty amazing. I go to the doctor this Friday for him to take a look at everything. The packing has come out and that made a huge difference. I can also finally lay on my left side with almost no pain which is so great. The only thing I have is a battle scar and some hair left to grow back. Turns out the doctor not only shaved what he was supposed to but also cut several inched off of my hair in other places. My wonderful hairdresser made this discovery (I wore my hair up after the surgery so I never noticed) and now my hair is shorter to try to even it out. Here's the picture version:

 After- Pretty loopy and hot. They gown thing was cool because it had ports that hooked up to a machine that pumped in warm air. Embarrassing Confession: I thought I peed myself because I was so sweaty, luckily for me (and my cute dr) I didn't.
 Very drunk but excited to go home
 Taking pictures because I was still too numb to feel anything.
 Colby did a great job of taking care of me.
 Stayed by my side the whole time.
 Chelsie and Callie came to visit.
 My scar as of yesterday 9/4/11

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!

Dinner time so that's all for now

1 comment:

  1. I just had the surgery myself last Friday. I received the whole from a nurse who syringed my ear to clean it. I hope this works.


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