Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's been awhile...

...a very long while since I have blogged. I would blame it on being busy (which I am) however I find time to Facebook so I should find time for this as well. I suppose I'll do my normal run down.

Surgery Update- Everything is looking (and sounding) AWESOME. I am just absolutely amazed at how much my hearing has improved. All of the packing is out and I had a hearing test a few weeks back. God is great and certainly blessed me with a wonderful doctor to get me back where I should be. My only current issues are some incision pain and a few tiny lightening bolts from nerves regenerating. All of the anxiety and pain was most certainly worth it. I even enjoy hearing my students tap their pencils on their desks! Haha. I think that will get old quick once the amazement wears off. I am re-learning how to locate sounds behind me. Before I always thought people were to my right (because that's the only ear I could hear them out of) now I am localizing sounds more and retraining myself to pinpoint sound locations.

Here's my new audiogram. The one to the left is before surgery. The "x" marks my left ears tonal range. The right is 2ish months post surgery. I"M NORMAL (almost) I never thought that I would ever say I was normal in any aspect of my life but lookie here, it's on paper! Also, I should expect improvements during the next year and beyond.

Teaching- Can I just say I LOVE IT. Before I started I had my doubts and questioned myself about whether or not I would like 5th grade and now I must say that for the most part I really enjoy it. I have a great group of students so that really helps. I am even learning to enjoy teaching math, which is a big deal to me because I have always hated it. I know, I know, a math teacher should never say such a thing but I have to be honest. I love watching that moment when the spark goes off for a student and they get it. It is so much fun to see their whole attitude towards something change in just a short period of time.  The only con (and this would be for any grade) I am already tired of feeling sick. I catch bits and pieces of everything they get. Currently I have a sore throat and chest junk but it's worth it. I attempted pulling the sympathy card today since I sounded like a frog but it didn't work so well. Oh well, life must go on!  Oh yes! By the way, the people I work with are AMAZING! I just love working with them and they make every day so much better. It is so nice to work together AND be friends. I had that at the cave too but sometimes school things can make that harder. I am just so relieved on how well everything is going. The teacher that my kids switch with is just lovely. I had her as a teacher and now she is my co-worker and friend. I have so enjoyed getting to know her better and working with her.

One thing I am proud of myself for is my battle with migraines. Between the computer, smartboard, classroom lighting and noise I keep one constantly, which really isn't any different than before teaching. I have really learned how to manage the pain and most importantly the nausea. A good deal of it is my mindset I think. The show must go on whether I feel like it or not. Sometimes I wish that I could call someone in for about 15 minutes so I could re-group myself but that doesn't happen in the real world. Thankfully I have some great helpers that will help pass out papers for me and do little things that make the day easier.

Wedding Planning- Sent in the deposit yesterday! I am so flipping excited! Yes, yes, yes... it's early however we were not even the first 2013 wedding to book! So glad that it's set and I have plenty of time to spread out payments. I really like the thought of just putting my "spare change" towards it here and there verses shelling out a lot of cash at once. The place just has everything I have dreamed of and Grant seems to really like it too. Besides looking at magazines I'm backing off at looking at anything else until around my birthday which will be under a year and a half out. I really want to go dress shopping (to look) so hopefully it will fit into birthday plans! Maybe it's a flaw but I am a planner. I can't help it. Being a planner is probably why my day is totally screwed up when I forget my watch. Haha.

Mail like this makes me happy!

Phone- This is a new issue as of yesterday. Who knew that phones don't like to land on hard classroom floors?! I called in to get a replacement and it turns out that I didn't have coverage on it. My only option was to buy a new phone or get a refurbished one for like $150.00. Luckily for me it was upgrade time so I decided to try out the new iPhone 4S. I am a bit leery because I do love my android system. I have 14 days to return it if I do not like it so I decided to see what all of the iPhone hype is all about. If I don't like it I will probably return to a new version of my Thunderbolt.

D.C.- We got a new kitty! Ok, so I was a bit skeptical at first and even a bit mad that mom brought him home but now I just love him to pieces. I've already told Grant that he will be coming with us once we are married. He and Emma will just love each other (hopefully). He is just so calm and friendly. D.C. also happens to stand for Dumpster Cat because that's where my mom found him. Luckily ode-a-la-dumpster has wore off because he sleeps on my bed every night.

D.C.'s  "Please stop working and play with me" look. I have the wonderful camo sheet down to keep his black hair from getting all over my white bedding.

Freak Snowstorm in October- A picture will suffice. We lost power and a tree. Exciting.

Halloween: Callie came by and so did several of my students.

Callie girl as a vampire!

Halloween quilt that I made

I believe that is about it for now. Hopefully I won't be gone for so long next time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to have found your blog regarding your tympanoplasty! I, like you, barely have an ear drum in my left ear...when I first went to my ENT last year, after explaining my lifelong issues with that ear, she looked in my ear and point blank said, "You have no ear drum." I was sort of surprised, but not completely - I had always assumed there was a hole, but didn't expect there to be practically nothing there. There is a teeny bit, but not enough to do any good. I have no idea how long it's been like this, as I grew up with constant ear infections. I'm going to be 33 in a couple of weeks, and am just now getting this fixed (hopefully it works) in November. I was glad to read you experience with it, and hopefully mine will turn out as well as yours has!!


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