Sunday, July 24, 2011

Update 2

Just another update. The past 2 days have been far worse than the first two. Nights have been pretty restless because I cannot get comfortable. I have moved downstairs to the couch and that seems to have helped some.

I think a good majority of the pain is coming from the packing but then again I have no clue what I am really feeling. The stitches itch and some of my hair is slowly coming back. The outside of my ear feels pretty weird. The top is numb and the bottom has some feeling to it. Dr. Kesser said this was to be expected and pretty normal since blood flow and other stuff was interrupted by the surgery. Full feeling should come back in a few weeks. Mom did help me wash my hair so that has been nice. Feeling yucky and smelling yucky just makes things worse.

The meds have me a bit loopy so the past few days I have been stumbling around or sleeping. I hate feeling so groggy all of the time. One pill wasn't quite helping the pain so I had to increase to 1.5 which just made those issues worse. Yesterday I tried to get out of the house for a bit but the heat proved to be too much and I stumbled around the farmers market like a drunk person. I did get some free blackberries from Ms. Frymyer out of it though! Haha. Our outing lasted a half hour or so and then I came back and slept all afternoon.

Today I decided to try to go to church. That was a bad idea. The band was overwhelming and the buzz of people just got to me and hurt my ear. Also the meds had me all jittery so I stood in the pew swaying back and forth until I finally had to walk out. After the band stopped I came back in and fought the rest of the service to stay awake. I hate hate hate feeling that way. Plus it's just plain embarrassing. After that we came home and had lunch. Guess what I did after that?! Yup, I took a nap. Then somehow this evening I got tricked into making peach preserves. We shall see how they come out, I'm not holding my breath for award winning preserves.

I'm getting nervous about going back to work. The pain is still there plus I can't really lift anything or walk very far. Should make for an interesting day Tuesday. Tomorrow I am supposed to be going with my grandparents to Borders since they are closing. Gives me another chance to get out and get my legs back beneath me.

I suppose that is all. Thanks for all of the prayers and well wishes!

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