Monday, July 18, 2011

Beach Week 2011

So I have been a bit behind in blogging as there has been so much going on. Between the beach, work and other things it has just been crazy around here. Hopefully this blog will make some sense. I'm rather tired so who knows.

Lets start with the beach. It was AMAZING as always. The surprise baby shower for John and Genny was a hit and they were totally shocked. It makes me so happy to do things that makes others happy. I just cannot believe they are having a baby! They are going to be such wonderful parents. Having Genny as part of the family has been so wonderful and I know that baby Ruby will make things even better. I cannot wait to hold her. Here are a few pics

Ruby's family tree. I just love how it turned out. Can't wait to do one at our wedding!
We had such wonderful weather at the beach that I just couldn't believe it. We usually have a few rain showers here and there but none this time! Grant's parents were able to come this year and we had such a great time with them. I hope that they are able to come back again
My mom, me and Grants mom at Tail of the Whale
The guys! My dad, Grant, Kyle and Grants dad

We stopped by my favorite lighthouse, Bodie Island
Aren't they cute! I just love my family to be!
Henry and Lydia had a great time too!
I do believe that everyone had a great time. I swear every year just gets better and better. I absolutely love spending time with all of my family. There are at least 50 of us that go. Basically my whole immediate family was there minus my Uncle Chris. It is wonderful to have so much family time and to catch up with everyone. While we were at the beach Rebecca took engagement pictures for Grant and I. We cannot wait to see them. It was so windy so I am sure my hair will be a sight but I'm sure they will still be amazing. Rebecca does such a wonderful job and I highly recommend her, and no, not just because she is my cousin! If you get a chance check out her website

Hummm, what else has happened.... OH YEAH! I GOT A JOB! I am officially the newest 5th grade science and math teacher at L.E.S. I cannot wait to begin. I am nervous but so excited. I was able to sneak a peek at my classroom today and it is pretty sweet. The old teacher moves her stuff out sometime this week so I am looking forward to getting started. I have collected so many things over the years so I am anxious to get it in my room and start setting up.

Work at the cave is a bit nuts. I was off for a week of vacation then will be off for a few days after my surgery at UVA on Thursday. I feel so far behind but it will all be ok.

On to the surgery thing. Today I had my pre-op appointment at UVA. It went well. I met with their Audiologist and she was very nice. She did such a wonderful job and really took her time. After that I went up to see Dr. Kesser. This time he had two students with him. They were both amazed by my lack of ear drum. The second guy looked in and said "OH WOW!" which made me laugh because usually they get really quiet when they are surprised. I told him that I would rather have that reaction than the silence and that I'm going to start charging admission to the freak show. He laughed and promised me that he would make Dr. Kesser fix it. I'm trying hard not to be nervous but surgery is surgery so it's a bit scary. Thursday is the day and everything will be fine!

I think that is just about it for now. At least that is all that I can remember. Lets leave off with a picture of the beach so we can stare and pretend we're there shall we:

July 7th, 2012 cannot come soon enough. Until then Nags Head I will miss you terribly!

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