Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day!

Woohoo, Fathers Day is here! One of my favorite holidays because we get to celebrate all of the wonderful dads in the world, like mine! I cannot even begin to describe what a daddy's girl I am. He is defiantly one of the most important people and influences in my life. He has taught me to be a strong and independent person.

Thanks to him I feel as though I can conquer anything, especially household task wise. He has always included me in every home improvement  project and the term "but you're a girl" has never come out of his mouth. From him I have learned to hang drywall, put down wood and tile flooring, perfectly paint a room, lay and cut decking as well, fix plumbing as sooooo many other things. He has also been my partner in crime in the kitchen department teaching me how to grill and has baked a million cakes with me as well as invented some pretty interesting, but tasty, recipes. I have had so many wonderful times with him hiking, fishing, canoing, doing farm work and simply sitting on the front porch chatting. He always braided my hair (he had 2 older sisters, lol), taught me a basic sewing stitch or two (his mother was a seamstress) and taught me that it's rewarding to do a job well.

Lucky for me I have inherited his calm demeanor and passion for putting others first. I only wish I had inherited more of his patience and how he really thinks before he speaks. My daddy is such a hard worker and I have always admired him for that. Due to working with the railroad he has a crazy schedule that can call him at any hour and he can get stuck overnight in Hagerstown. There have been days upon days when he has not been able to come home or will have worked all night just to come home, sleep for an hour or two, then get up to get housework done or take my brother to school. Through all of this he never complains.

So today, and every day, I give thanks to the man who played numerous rounds of duck duck goose with me, built me my first tree house, encouraged me to be adventurous and try things on my own, taught me to be loving, kind and selfless. Thank you daddy.

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