Sunday, June 12, 2011

Callie is 3!

So my sweet Callie girl is three. I just can't believe it!

In true girl fashion she couldn't put her new lip gloss down even to blow out the candle.

She looks so grown up with her pony-tail, I just cannot get over it. It was so much fun to pull up and hear her yelling "Meghan! Meghan! MEGHAN!" and get a huge hug. I am so thankful to be her Aunt Meggie and that I have had the chance to watch her grow. She is such a sweet girl!

Grant also got to come down this weekend. We had a really great time. After work Saturday we went to Harrisonburg and looked for clothes for our engagement pictures. He found a nice shirt but I am still looking for something for me. We had CHIPOTLE! My favorite, yumm. It poured the rain so luckily we didn't take the Wrangler because it's topless. Then we came home and grilled out and went for a jeep ride which was fun. Today we went to Callies party and then he headed back to Morgantown because he has a hockey game. While the weekend went by way to fast I am so happy that he had the chance to come down! Being apart stinks, but it makes me value the time we do have together even more!

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