Wednesday, June 29, 2011


(Random beginning-) So I am sitting here starting this blog and Emma was laying at the foot of my bed half asleep then suddenly she rolled off. Ha-ha. Gave me a good laugh. She doesn't seem to think that it was very funny! (End of random beginning.)

Starting with the randomness really fits. The past two days have been a crazy whirl wind of mass confusion. Lets start going back in time to yesterday.

June 28th:
-Worked all day and was super busy. The summer holiday season is upon us!
-Made plans with my Aunt to go to Harrisonburg the next day (today).
-Grandma called and asked for help in the kitchen the next day (today).
-Changed shopping times with my Aunt for the second time to be back in time to help my Grandmother.
-Went to Diane's to pick wild raspberries. Spent several hours in long pants and long sleeves sweating away but it was totally worth it. We picked more than we could ever use.
-8:30: Still picking raspberries and I get a call. I expected it to be my aunt but it was the Principal from LES calling to schedule and interview (woohoo!) He asked if I could come in tomorrow (today) at 9am and I said yes.
-Called and cancelled with my Aunt.
-Called Grant and told him the good news.
-Finished picking raspberries and Diane kept me calm, cool and collect. I really owe her for that because if I would have rushed off I would have worried myself crazy even more.
-Came home and panicked to get everything organized. Luckily I had everything ready so that I just had to review my portfolio and go over potential interview questions.
-11:50 finally decided to lay down. Spent all night reviewing questions didn't sleep very much at all.

Today-June 29th
-"Woke up" aka got tired of just laying in bed so I got ready and suited up.
-7am-8:30am- Kept myself busy around the house trying to stay calm. I still hadn't told anyone except for Grant, Diane and my Aunt about the interview so I debated on calling my mom.
-8:35 got in my car to leave and mom called so I told her. She was excited so it made me more nervous!
-8:43 got to the school and waited in the office
-9:00 Interview began. It went pretty well and was not as bad as I thought. Since it was my first interview I was pleasantly surprised.
-9:55 Interview was complete and I headed home
-Threw together dinner for tonight in the crock pot. Cabbage rolls, yumm.
-Headed to my grandmas.
-Called mom to tell her how it went.
-Texted Grant that it went well since he was at work.
-Arrived at my grandmas and got started on helping her wash down the kitchen. I noticed I was dizzy and then realized I hadn't eaten or drank anything all day. Luckily it was lunch time. I had a really great time with my grandparents and learned so much about them that I didn't know before. After 4 hours of wiping down walls, scrubbing floors, washing and polishing the cabinetry I finally finished up in the kitchen. We put everything back in its place and took a break. It was so much fun to learn more about the history of the farm that has been in my family for so long. I also learned a lot about my great grandparents whom I have never met. Interestingly enough both sets of great grandfathers had worked on the railroad which is what my dad does now. I never knew that before. Also I found out that twins run in the family. They skipped my grandmothers generation so I suppose myself or one of my cousins are doomed. Haha. I learned so many fun facts and had a wonderful time.
-Came home and did laundry
-Finished fixing dinner, had dinner and cleaned up.
-Now here I am, boring you with all of the details of my piddly day. It has just been so crazy but I believe everything happens as it should and for a reason.

All I can do is hope to hear back from the school soon. Fingers are crossed and prayers have been said. I cannot wait to begin teaching, wherever it may be!

Oh yes, happy three years and nine months to the wonderful man that I get to call mine. Grant, without you I would be a total panicked mess ninety nine percent of the time. Thank you for being so patient, kind and caring not only during the past two days but the entire time we have been together. I love you more than words can say and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us! Hugs, love and kisses; I can't wait to be your Mrs.

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