Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh What Fun!

Whew! What a whirlwind weekend it has been! Friday my beautiful cousin Rebecca got married, Saturday my cousin Katie had her graduation party, and Sunday Grant and I hiked Mary's Rock. Busy busy but so much fun!

Here are a few pics from Rebecca and Hunter's wedding. Unfortunately I didn't take my big camera so the pictures turned out blurry/dark

 The very pretty ceremony site

 How cute is the table setting?!

On Saturday we went to Katie's graduation party at the river. It was quite a busy weekend for the Williams family, one getting married and the other graduating. We are all so proud of Katie and all of her accomplishments at Virginia Tech. While we were there I had the opportunity to take some pictures of Ruby. She is just soooooo very cute! See for yourself!

Those are just a few of the pics. Silly blogger is having a difficult time loading tonight. The next activity of the weekend would be hiking Mary's Rock in SNP on Sunday with Grant. It was fun. The climb is a bit rough but then again you are climbing a mountain! The trip down was much more enjoyable. Haha. Here are a few pics from that.

And I am luck enough to call this beautiful place HOME!

Oh, one last thing.... WE ARE FINALLY IN THE 300's! 397 to be exact. Yippie!

1 comment:

  1. This is how bad I've been! I haven't checked the blog for updates since getting married. AGH. I totally cried over this post. I love it.loveit. I cannot get over those pictures you took of Ruby!! They are SO good!!!!! Auh-mazing. I can't believe I haven't seen them and loveeeeeeeeee the ones on the blanket!!!


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